Warm Winter Day

Winter weather has been in effect for some weeks now. Even if snow has melted in the lower elevations, there is still plenty of snow just a thousand feet or so up in the surrounding hills. It was fairly warm yesterday and downright balmy today, nearly 50°! That’s pretty warm for the last day of … Read more

Stumptown Slosh Disc Golf Tournament

Saturday we were on the Oregon side of the Columbia River to ride our mountain bikes on Gorge Trail 400, on Sunday we headed directly across the Columbia to check out the Stumptown Slosh Disc Golf tournament in North Bonneville, Washington. It was cold and windy, a pretty good challenge for even good disc golfers … Read more

Another Cold Winter Ride on Gorge Trail 400

Still no rain or snow, but still pretty cold, but not cold enough to keep us off the trails. We headed back to Gorge Trail 400 for further exploration of this trail system we don’t really ride much, especially in the summer because when the weather is nice, these trails are packed with hikers. I … Read more

Cold Winter Ride on Gorge Trail 400

We’ve had a good deal of snow in the past couple weeks and it’s been cold, so not much melting going on. And it’s not like the snow is confined to the higher elevations, we’ve had 4-6″ of frozen, rock hard snow on the ground here at a couple hundred feet of elevation. Luckily, we … Read more

New Stuff on WatermanAtWork Website

The weather here in the PacNW continues to be cold, snowy, wet or all the above, so outdoor activities are limited, at best. Which means we’ve had time to work on the WatermanAtWork.com website. We had to do a lot of work cleaning up the website’s computer code, some of which was more than a … Read more


It has been snowing and cold here in the PacNW for the past few days, emphasis on “cold”. Probably has not been above 32° much the past week. It snowed heavily over Christmas, about 6-8″. Then, one day with a high of 35° or so and a bit of the snow melted off. Then the … Read more

Christmas Eve 2012

The weather has not been so great the past couple weeks; cold, rainy and even a pretty good blizzard that dumped over 6″ of snow in about three hours the other day, so outdoor activities have been somewhat curtailed. Luckily, today we got an early Christmas present of a decent day that allowed us to … Read more

MTB Ride In Rainy Tillamook State Forest

The rain continues here in the Pacific Northwest so instead of waiting for the rain to stop, we go somewhere that you can ride when it’s wet. Probably one of the best places to do that is in the Tillamook State Forest, a temperate rain forest in the Oregon Coastal Mountain Range. It rains here … Read more

Riding Wet Cascade Backroads

This time of year in the Pacific Northwest, unless specified otherwise, it is raining, about to rain, or just stopped raining. Bike riding is all about getting out between storms, with short winter days, that takes some dedication. To leave a nice, warm house to go riding when it’s cold and wet, well, you have … Read more