Hot Mountain Biking

Time for hot mountain biking, in more ways than one, from the Pacific Northwest. Things quiet down a bit after July fourth, but it’s summer. People around here know that the beautiful days of summer are short, so this is a busy time of year for outdoor activities. For the most part, the weather has … Read more

Cascade Mountain Bike Photos

Not too much to report on the mountain bike front, so we’ll let the Cascade Mountain bike photos do all the talking. The weather has been pretty good, a bit chilly still at night. Hardly anyone here, but that will change this 4th of July weekend, the official start of the Pacific Northwest summer. The … Read more

MTB Life

It’s more like summer than winter, so it’s down to the MTB life in the Cascade Mountains. There’s not many people here, a few mountain climbers taking advantage of the longest days of the year. Summer is beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest, but painfully short. You have to take advantage of every nice day. … Read more

Cascade Mountain Bike Season

It’s Cascade Mountain bike season again in the Pacific Northwest. After a couple weeks of rain that was pretty heavy at times, it has mostly cleared up and the mountain bike riding season is off and running. With a lot of uncertainty in the world and me not getting any younger, I’m always thankful for … Read more

Cascade Mountain Bike Wrap Up

With the arrival of rain and mountain snow, the mountain bike season for us is over, so it’s time for the Cascade Mountain bike wrap up post. It’s been a while since the last post, this post will be mostly the photos since then. It has been a dry and dusty summer with very little … Read more

More Cascade Mountain Biking

On a warm and breezy day, it’s time for more Cascade Mountain biking from the Pacific Northwest. Due to the very warm weather, we got an early start for another great bike ride in the Cascade Mountains. Now kicking back in the WatermanAtWork Overland Production Vehicle posting the latest photos to the blog. This deer … Read more

Cascade Mountain Bike Photos

A rainy day here in the Cascade Mountains provides the opportunity to post a couple weeks worth of mountain bike photos in one of the last wild areas of the continental United States. Nature is always in motion. There are a lot of trees here, some of them fall down. It’s been hot and there … Read more

Cascade Mountain Bike Photos

A quick post of some Cascade Mountain bike photos. I’m back in civilization after an encounter with a poacher. A very dangerous situation in the remote Cascade Mountains that is covered elsewhere. Taking care of business, then back to the mountains. Fire season is kicking in and a lot of the outdoor areas are closed … Read more

Higher Into the Mountains

We’ve moved to a different part of the Cascades for mountain bike rides higher into the mountains. The climbs are steeper and all the downhills, which are over three miles long, are mint Cascade Mountain singletrack. It’s been hot here, so we start out early. It takes a while for the sun to rise above … Read more

Cascade Mountain Biking

More great mountain biking from the Cascade Mountains thanks to the good weather and long summer days. There hasn’t been any rain which will lead to dry and dusty conditions soon if there is no precipitation. The hot, dry conditions also increase the risk of fire danger. Fire is not the only danger in this … Read more