Hot Mountain Biking

Time for hot mountain biking, in more ways than one, from the Pacific Northwest. Things quiet down a bit after July fourth, but it’s summer. People around here know that the beautiful days of summer are short, so this is a busy time of year for outdoor activities. For the most part, the weather has … Read more

Cascade Mountain Bike Photos

Not too much to report on the mountain bike front, so we’ll let the Cascade Mountain bike photos do all the talking. The weather has been pretty good, a bit chilly still at night. Hardly anyone here, but that will change this 4th of July weekend, the official start of the Pacific Northwest summer. The … Read more

MTB Life

It’s more like summer than winter, so it’s down to the MTB life in the Cascade Mountains. There’s not many people here, a few mountain climbers taking advantage of the longest days of the year. Summer is beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest, but painfully short. You have to take advantage of every nice day. … Read more

Cascade Mountain Bike Season

It’s Cascade Mountain bike season again in the Pacific Northwest. After a couple weeks of rain that was pretty heavy at times, it has mostly cleared up and the mountain bike riding season is off and running. With a lot of uncertainty in the world and me not getting any younger, I’m always thankful for … Read more

Last Call for Great Kayak Fishing

We’ve had some epic days of fishing lately, but it’s last call for great kayak fishing for largemouth bass on the Colorado River. We’ve done more kayak fishing and caught more fish in the past month than we have in the previous five. It has been a terrible fishing season. Due to the ever increasing … Read more

Great Kayak Fishing Action

It’s just about our last chance and we lucked out with some great kayak fishing action on the Colorado River for largemouth bass. We are running out of time and each day of fishing is more valuable. The wind was coming up quickly in the late morning, so it was an early start every morning. … Read more

Kayak Fishing Action

After a couple days of wind, we were back on the water for more kayak fishing action on the Colorado River. Our luck has been pretty good for a change, and we’re hoping it will continue. As usual, we were out there before the crack of dawn to take advantage of the calm wind and … Read more

Great Kayak Fishing

After a long absence, we finally have great kayak fishing for largemouth bass on the Colorado River. Every day of great fishing is important now because the trend is defintely less days like this. We’ve really been lucky here because this place is not known for its great bass fishing. It’s been a poor winter … Read more

Tough Fishing Extreme Weather

Extreme weather and unfavorable water conditions are making for tough kayak fishing on the Colorado River. After a good, but very late start to fishing in 2024, both the weather and fishing conditions have declined. At the time of this post, it is extremely windy, 15-30 mph, with rain forecast for the next couple days, … Read more

All Out Kayak Fishing Part 1

We are running out of time on location here so it’s all out kayak fishing time on the lower Colorado River. The fishing conditions have not been favorable for months and, as far as sportfishing goes, the trend is down. Alarmingly down. Now, each kayak fishing trip here is valuable because there is a real … Read more