More Mid Winter Mountain Biking

The unbelievably nice weather continued through the past weekend, near 60° and sunshine. Sunday we headed out west to the Tillamook State Forest for some mountain bike riding in the Coastal Mountains of Oregon. It wasn’t as sunny near the coast as it was in the Gorge, but partly sunny with a few scattered, light showers is about as good as it gets in this temperate rainforest in the middle of winter. We headed out on the Wilson River trail that winds through the rainforest

Wilson River Trail 2-17-13

Surprisingly enough, the Wilson River Trail goes past Wilson Falls

Wilson Falls 2-17-13

The WRT has a lot of climbing and some serious exposure, so it would be more of an intermediate to advanced rider type of trail. Of course, if you get off and walk the sections you can’t make, it’s not a problem, but you wind up doing a lot of walking.

WRT 2-17-13

Pretty good day of riding on the WRT and perfect timing as well. As we packed up and headed east it started raining pretty heavily, it would have been a bummer to get caught in a winter rainstorm.
Today is Presidents Day, I was running an errand in White Salmon and decided to swing over to the Syncline for a quick ride. No doubt there were a lot of people here over the weekend but the trails were in perfect condition. Did a couple up and downs on Little Maui

Little Maui 2-18-13

A lot more people here because of the holiday, but not too bad. It looks like the weather is changing, rain and maybe snow are in the forecast for tonight.

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