Salmon Fishing Season Winding Down

Today was an awesome day for fishing on the Columbia River; no wind, not too cold and the sun even came out for a couple hours.

Salmon fishing on the Columbia River

Only problem is the salmon fishing was really slow. Paddled around all day long casting every lure I have until my shoulders and arms were aching and only had a few half hearted strikes that came unhooked after a few seconds. I saw the same thing happen to a couple other fishermen so it wasn’t just me being lame. I did see a couple guys who were trolling get a couple fish, but they looked pretty small. I paddled up one of the Columbia River’s tributaries and saw a lot of fish, unfortunately, they were all spawned out dead ones.

I hate to say it, but this might be the end of this year’s great salmon fishing season. I will probably head upriver to see if I can squeeze another day or two of salmon fishing in, but I have a bad feeling that the salmon fishing season here in the Columbia River Gorge may be over. Gonna need a beer or two for that.

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