Great Spring Bike Riding

It’s been a long winter and we are finally starting to see some decent weather here in the PacNW, time to get out for some spring bike riding. Because of the harsh winter, the opportunities for outdoor exercise, except for shoveling snow and digging out stuck vehicles, were few and far between. It’s going to be a longer and tougher struggle to get back into decent condition after being stuck inside for months. Anyway, we got started on the road back with a nice ride around the local back roads.

Spring bike riding on Pacific Northwest back roads

The trees are still pretty bare, but nature kicks into gear pretty quick in the springtime around here. With all the snow we’ve had this winter, there is a lot of snow melt rushing down the local creeks and rivers to the Columbia River.

Rushing creeks full of water from melting snow

Hoping to get another ride in tomorrow and start getting back in shape!

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