Our kayak fishing adventures on the Colorado River in the American southwest desert have come to an end. The daytime temperatures in the desert are well over 100° every day now, that’s a bit too hot for our outdoor living gear. It’s been a fantastic fishing trip and we have had a great time. Even though the past few days have been very hot, we’ve been out on the water getting the most out of our final hours of fishing on the Colorado River.
It’s uncomfortably hot during the afternoon, but the mornings are beautiful. We’re out there with our lines in the water before the sun comes up.
Most of the time, being on the water early has paid off with some nice fish. Here’s a nice largemouth bass caught just a few minutes before sunrise.
We are primarily fishing for largemouth bass, but there are plenty of other kinds of fish in the Colorado River like this healthy crappie.
We caught a lot of nice fish, lost a bunch more and had a ton of weak hits that didn’t stick, so there was plenty of kayak fishing action.
We lost count of how many nice largemouth bass we’ve caught, but have plenty of photos and a lot of great video to remind us of all the kayak fishing action. On our last day, I lost a huge largemouth bass the spit the hook right next to the kayak. It could have been the best bass of the trip and a personal best, all I have is the video of the bass throwing the hook as it took to the air.
One of the highlights of the trip was chasing and catching striped bass. We got lucky when a school of stripers started hanging out just a short distance from where we were camping. I managed to catch at least one striper each of the last four days we were on the river. For a fisherman who, until this trip, never fished for or caught a striped bass, it was really exciting.
Kayak fishing on the Colorado River was everything we hoped for and then some.
Adios, for now, to the Colorado River and Yuma, AZ, which was pretty much our home base. We met a lot of nice people and fished with some real hardcore bass fisherman, we had a great time. Thanks to everyone around Yuma for making us feel welcome and giving us the information we needed to find our way around the area. For sure we will be back.
We have a lot of great video we are working on and hope to start posting it on the watermanatwork.com website and YouTube channel.