I’m not sure exactly how many people follow this blog, but to the folks that do, I’ve been kind of slacking off on the blog posts lately and I’m sorry for that. Finally, the weather has been nice so we’ve been out enjoying it. I have a bunch of photos and video but it’s hard to get down with the tedious computer work when the weather is so nice, but I will try to get a couple fresh posts up here in the next day or two as well as photos and videos on the WatermanAtWork.com website.
Of course, we are big cycling fans and the world’s biggest bike race; the Tour de France is going on right now. Lance Armstrong, seven time Tour champion, has announced this will be his last Tour and the farewell party is not going so well. Lance has had an incredible run of great athleticism and good fortune in the Tour, but this year, Lady Luck has turned her back on Armstrong. He has had a horrible run of bad luck and is pretty much out of the race. There is a lot of controversy around Lance, especially this year with convicted doper Floyd Landis stating everyone who has any success as a pro bike racer has used illegal substances, especially Lance. Maybe Lance is a doper, maybe he’s not; only one person on earth knows for sure. Until proven otherwise, I’m going with Lance. Personally, I think even if he used PEDs before getting cancer, I think after what he went through, he would not put his body at risk. And to let down all those cancer patients, especially the kids? I just don’t see it. Armstrong may not be the nicest guy in the world, but I just don’t see him failing all those cancer patients. If you want to check out the Tour de France; there’s great coverage on CyclingNews.com and good video coverage at VeloCenter.com.
My friend Jeff is trying to get his new TV show off the ground. It’s called the Ample Adventurer; the outdoor action show for the average American, so we’ve been trying to get some content for that. Below is a video of Jeff headed downhill again after a few years of standing in front of a microphone and playing guitar. He raced the Mammoth Kamikaze downhill back in the day, so he’s getting back to his adventurous roots.
Then, my buddy Chris is moving with his new wife for a new job. The facts of life in America these days means if you want to pursue a career or make the money you’re worth, you might not be able to live where you want, gotta follow the money. Chris is a good dude; a worthy fishing/snowboarding bro and all around adventure guy. His wife is a real sweetheart. Now they are leaving. I guess that’s the way it goes. I have friends all over the world, but it’s not the same as having them as your neighbors.
Mountain bike is parked; brakes are being fixed(more on that later) so after a road ride tomorrow I will try to get the blog moving again and get some stuff on the website.