The fishing season is over, so it’s back on the bikes. This is the time of year when it’s not too cold, but usually plenty of rain. It’s been raining the past couple days and looks like a significant storm over the weekend but, hopefully next week we will be able to get a few days in. After storing the kayak for the winter, I was pretty depressed; summer over, fishing over, etc. The only thing I could do to make things better was go for a bike ride, so that’s what I did.
Headed towards Mt. Hood, taking it easy because I haven’t ridden in a couple months. It would rain later that evening so it was kind of hazy. Headed out on the backroads to check out the fall colors. After the storm that’s supposed to hit this weekend, there probably won’t be many leaves left on the trees.
Turned around and headed back towards the Columbia River with Mt. Adams in the distance with a fresh dusting of snow. Winter isn’t far off now.
For us, it will editing photos and video and working on the website. When it’s not raining, we’re going to try and go riding. Keep checking in because there is a lot of new stuff for the website.