After Saturday’s ride on the relatively flat Klickitat Trail, it’s time to get back to the roads in the local hills. Sunday was another awesome sunny day, can’t stay inside. Usually, the weather around here this time of year is dismal; and I’m being optimistic about that. When it’s dry, sunny and 45° in the middle of February, you should be out the door. Even though the legs were a little sore from the 23 mile ride the day before, it’s out in the sun and up into the hills.
The dirt/gravel road we usually ride on is really steep and kind of long. When you get closer to the top, there is still snow on the side of the road, especially in the shade
There are a few singletrack trails up here, but this area is mostly dirt which turns to sticky mud when it’s wet. It doesn’t really dry out until spring and we don’t want to wreck the trails by riding on them when they are muddy so we stick to the dirt/gravel roads in the winter. Not as much fun as singletrack, but it’s a good workout and the scenery is not that bad either
Starting to wonder why the weather has been so mild lately and how long it’s going to last.
Work on the website is continuing. Photos of mountain biking on Surveyors Ridge have been added and there is a new section with vintage mountain biking photos, including classic NORBA racing from the early 90’s. We are working on more mountain bike photos that should be up today, then more photos and videos, lots more to come.