The weather here continues to be somewhat damp, but the bad news is that it’s predicted to get worse. I went for a long bike ride yesterday because it looked like today was going to be rainy, but the rain held off until later in the day. We’ve been working on another kayak fishing video, but when it looked like we could get out for a quick bike ride, especially when it looks like a rainy week ahead, we had to get out there. It rained off and on last night, but the hills to the south blocked most of the storms during the day today.
A significant weather event is supposed to dump quite a bit of rain on the area over the next week. In the photo below, Mt. Hood is being engulfed by clouds as the drift over the Cascade Mountain foothills from the southwest(left in the photo). Only a matter of time before enough clouds flow over the hills and it starts to rain.
This storm is coming from the southwest, so it looks more like spring than winter. The robins are out looking for worms, there’s small buds on the pear trees and I saw a few small flowers, so even though it looks like a rainy week ahead, spring can’t be far off.