We’ve had some good weather so we are out there kayak fishing for big smallmouth bass on the Columbia River. The weather is nice and the river water is actually pretty warm for this time of year, but the main channel looks like cement. Visibility is maybe a foot, if that. It’s the same story every season; get out early season and the bass are bigger, but you don’t catch nearly as many fish as you would in the summer. Last year the water was really low, this year it’s really high. Currents are very strong with a lot of water coming through the dams.
Even though the conditions are not ideal, this is the time of year for the big bass. We got a couple nice ones, but had to put in a lot of paddling and casting to get them. More photos in the next day or two, but the first back to back long kayak fishing days after a long winter of fattening up have got us tired out. Looks like one more try for the lunker smallmouth bass tomorrow and then the wind is back for a few days.