Cool and Damp

After a couple days of light rain and scattered showers, we were able to get back out on the trail. It was a nice sunny day, but the breeze was cool and there were clouds in the sky and rain storms over the higher mountain peaks. The trails were in great shape; a little damp in the shade but dry in the sun. Some of the rocks and logs were wet and slippery, and here is something that has not been seen for a few months; a puddle.

First Fall Puddle

The deeper parts of the forest were damp and dark, with that “fresh rain” smell. Pretty nice.

Empty Singletrack

The view from the top of the local mountain is always great, today you could see storm cells all around, mostly over the higher mountain peaks. There was a pretty stiff and cool west wind and fast moving clouds as a storm front moved through the area.

Columbia River Gorge

Hoping to get out tomorrow for a long ride.

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