The last snow is melted at the lower elevations and we’ve had a few days of dry weather which has allowed some of the local trails to dry out enough to go for a bike ride. We’ve been sitting around inside for the past few months and we’re getting near the end of our ropes. When the bad winter weather starts coming to an end, we are out the door as soon as possible.
The sky is blue, the sun is out and the temperature is in the low sixties, which is a pretty nice day around here, especially this time of year. The spring flowers are starting to bloom and the vegetation is starting to take on that characteristic Pacific Northwest green color. The ground is still wet in most places and there is a lot of mud around. The trails that are primarily decomposed rock are not as muddy and can handle bicycle tires and hiker’s boots, even if water is running down, or over the trail. There is still a good deal of snow in the higher elevations. We may have received a lower than normal amount of the white stuff this winter, but what’s there is starting to melt and run down to the Columbia River.
Looks like another day or two of nice weather, then the rain may be back, hopefully we can get out for another ride or two before we are back indoors.
We’ve finished up the Smallmouth Bass Fishing video and are almost finished with the Kayak Fishing for Salmon video. They should be up on the website soon, but they might be delayed by a few days if the weather holds up.