It’s Eddy Merckx’s 65th birthday today; the greatest cyclist of all time. If he could ride 30,000 miles a year, I can get out and ride up and down the local mountain.
Almost the first day of summer but it seems more like the first day of spring. The sun was in and out of the clouds and it was windy and cool.
Thankfully, there hasn’t been much rain so the trails are in pretty good shape; good traction, only a little mud.
The trees, bushes and other plants are just going off with all the spring rain.
The singletrack is world class, as it always has been.
A herd of cattle ran across this skinny hillside trail, turning it into loose dirt. Tough to keep the tires on the trail. The slope is pretty steep so it was 100% concentration to keep the bike on the six inch wide track and not go bike surfing down the hill.
Happy Birthday, Cannibal!