Great Day in the Hills

This area is a challenging place to ride a mountain bike. The downhills are so much fun, but the uphill climbs are long and hard. Don and I did a little up and a little down; a complete day of riding. Weather was great; hot enough to make you sweat on the uphills, then you would come around a corner and a cool Gorge breeze would feel so good. We stopped to do a little logging on one of the trails and snap a few photos.

Logger Don

Logger Ron

The riding around here is always great. Working hard on the uphills and paying attention on the downhills. You have to find a second or two to appreciate the view.

Always Great Riding

Ending the day at Everybody’s is a bonus. It’s a true local’s pub. They have great beer, really good food and I hope I can say this without being a sexist pig; but they have really attractive servers.

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