Great Fishing, Great Riding Continues

The great local steelhead fishing is still red hot. If you are in the right spot at the right time you will be mixing it up with native and hatchery ocean-run steelhead.


The native fish are beautifully colored and exceptionally strong fighters. You have to catch and release the natives, so all you get to keep is a great memory and maybe a photo or two.


Plenty of hatchery steelhead along with the native fish; they also will give you a good battle right to the boat. The daily limit is two fish, but they are healthy fish and yield a couple nice fillets. Along with fresh tomatoes from the garden; steelhead fishcakes are a local favorite this time of year.


Still need to find the time to get the mountain bike out and hit the local trails. The riding is as good as it gets; still summertime nice with a touch of autumn. Days are still pretty long, sunny and cool. Plenty of wildlife out and about feeding up for winter. Perfect for long rides.


Today was the first day of rain in a long time; the first storm front out of the Gulf of Alaska. A sure sign that winter is right around the corner. The snow level may drop to about 8000′. A reminder to get everything we can out of the nice summer weather before the PacNW rain and snow sets in.
I’m trying to get a backlog of photos up on the website as soon as I can. As you can see; there are a lot of distractions.

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