The past few days have been perfect mountain biking conditions, if you can stand a few light rain showers, which we are fully able to do around here. You can actually ride away from the rain if you know what you’re looking at. Even though summer has barely started, it’s much drier than normal, we could use a little rain to stave off the forest fires that will surely be coming in a month or two. Anyway, you can have a look for yourself and see if this looks like somewhere you’d like to ride a mountain bike
Everything is green, but it’s dry. The trails are hard packed and dusty and one lightning strike from a late afternoon summer thunderstorm can start a forest fire that could burn for weeks. Of course, we hope that doesn’t happen, but the weather rules in this part of the country, we’re just along for the ride. I took the photo below on a trail that I ride a few times a week. Every time I pass through here, I see the moss on the trees. You know the old saying that “moss grows on the north side of a tree”? I don’t think the moss on these trees is facing north, but more west, where most of the weather comes from around here. I’ll check next time to be sure, but I’ve said that before
Looks like rain for the next few days, but there may be calm winds, so we might be kayak fishing, rain or not.