Happy New Year

Happy New Year from watermanatwork.com and thanks for checking out the blog. I wish I had a good kayak fishing report or even a bad kayak fishing report to write about. The conditions on the lower Colorado River are so bad there is no fishing at all. Complaining about the fishing, even though it is a valid complaint, is looking insignificant compared to the ecological disaster happening on the Colorado River.

The weather here in the desert southwest continues to be unpredictable and unusual. Rain, unseasonably cool and even dense fog have replaced the usual clear blue skies and sun. The passing rain storms make for some spectacular sunrises.

Desert sunrise 12-27-22

The normally clear desert skies have been replaced by clouds at every level.

Sunset clouds 12-27-22

Most unusual of all has been the patchy dense fog. It was really foggy on New Years Eve and New Years Day it rained with 35-40mph wind expected following the storm front.

Foggy desert morning 12-31-22

That’s it for now. Wish I had more fishing news, can’t do much about it. Check out the kayak fishing video on the watermanatwork YouTube channel. If you live in Southern California, please stop taking showers. Check back soon, we’ll come up with something.

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