Highs and Lows

The past couple days have been beautiful, a real break from the record bad spring weather we’ve been having. It’s been sunny, with a bit of a cool breeze, but 60 degrees seems like mid summer in Austin compared to the previous few months. Even though there is a 100 pound killer cougar out there, we are out in the woods.
An awesome spring day; warm in the sun, brisk in the wind. Snow in the mountains, everything is green; a day to remember.

Mt. Hood Singletrack 1

Mt. Hood Singletrack 2

Mt. Hood Singletrack 3

Everywhere you go, it’s moist and green.

Snowden Singletrack

I live in ranch country and there are animals everywhere. I do a lot of bike riding on my neighbor’s cattle ranch and while you have to watch out for the fresh cowpies, the cattle get pretty used to a solo bike rider coming through the herd. This bull didn’t seem to happy to see me ride into his harem of cows and followed me down the trail until I headed off into the woods.


I wish all animals were as reasonable as this big bull. If you follow this blog, you may know that recently I was attacked and bitten by my neighbor’s vicious Rotweiller. I never did anything to provoke this attack, I even fed this dog while my neighbors were on vacation. Because the dog has no training or socialization, it has become a dangerous animal.
So now, I have to quickly move out of the place I’ve lived and paid rent, as well as the landlord’s electric bill for nearly two and a half years. That’s the problem with this area; it’s beautiful, but there is always something that prevents you from enjoying it. Maybe that’s why the economy is in the shitter, every other house is for sale and the only people who have jobs work for the government.
Sorry for the rant.

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