The salmon fishing has been pretty challenging for the past week or so. It’s the tail end of the annual fall salmon run and the fish counts over the nearest downstream dam are way down. On top of all that, with daytime temperatures here on the river in the mid seventies and nighttime lows in the fifties, it’s not that much colder on top of the local mountains and the glaciers have started to melt again, filling the local rivers with glacial silt. All of that reduces the realistic chances of catching a fish to almost zero.
The weather this week looks great for kayak fishing, so we are going to give it a least a couple more days before we give up. Kayak fishing for salmon is a great fishing experience and it’s hard to admit that it’s over until next year. If there is any decent chance of catching a fish, you have to go.
The Chinook salmon fishing is pretty much over. Even if you hook a Chinook, it will be 90% dead and most likely too dark to eat. Even though the Coho salmon fishing has been tough, give those proven Coho lures a shot. Think pink. I caught a huge steelhead earlier in the season, maybe get another one. Not very likely, but possible. Probably wind up fishing eggs and/or prawns at some point and hope for the best. After a month of great fishing action, sitting there for a couple hours without a bite will be enough to call it a season.
Will report back in a few days.