Limited Fishing Action and Website Work

After a run of unbelievably nice weather for this time of year, we were stuck with about a week of on and off rain, as well as much cooler temperatures so we couldn’t get out bike riding on the muddy trails and it was too windy to get after the smallmouth bass. The upside of the bad weather is that we were able to get on with the mammoth job of re-editing and recoding videos on the website. The latest addition is an interesting video showing the hazards of paddling a kayak on the Columbia River. Click on the photo to check out the video.

Columbia River Hazards

The weather cleared up today, but it was still pretty windy. We managed to get out fishing this morning for a couple hours; the wind made for some tough fishing and the past few days of bad weather has dropped the water temperature by more than a few degrees. When smallmouth bass are in the spawning season and the water temperature drops, they move out of the shallower water and makes them pretty hard to find and when you do find them, they don’t seem to be in a biting mood.
We did manage to pick off a few, the largest ones were about the size of the fish in the photo below.

Columbia River smallmouth bass 5-31-13

It’s supposed to be sunny and calm tomorrow, but with weekend crowds and cold water, might be a good idea to wait a day or two before getting out there again. Maybe a road trip is in order.

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