Love Summer Days

Today was the hottest day of the year. Not complaining at all, I’ll take sunny, eighty five degree days anytime over the gray, rainy weather we have here in the PacNW eight months of the year. Let a perfect summer day go by? Not likely, out on the trails we go.
It was hot in the sun, even early in the morning. Most of the flowers are gone, now the grasses have taken over. The trees with their roots deep in the ground, are still green and the summer sky is blue. Mt. Hood is still covered in snow

Hot In The Sun 7-24-11

It was a little bit cooler in the woods

Cooler In The Trees 7-24-11

On the top of the ridges, you can get a good look at the Columbia River Gorge below. You can’t see the Columbia River in this photo, but it’s down there. Hood River is to the left, The Dalles is off to the right. Mt. Hood with lenticular clouds over the summit in the background

The Valley Below

Spent a lot of time today riding backcountry roads. They all lead somewhere, I want to see where


Tomorrow is another day, another summer day; stoked.

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