Midwinter Syncline MTB Ride

The weather forecast continues to call for rain and snow, but it continues to remain dry here in the Pacific Northwest. Today was cloudier and cooler than it has been for the past couple weeks and the wind started to kick up. A quick look at the Portland, OR weather radar shows rain on the way, probably in the next hour or so. Due to the unseasonal freeze-thaw cycle going on at about 2000′ or so, there was more water and more mud on the higher elevation trails. Any rain now will turn the trails back to the mud it usually is at this time of year.
This has been an incredible run of nice weather in what is normally a pretty gray and dismal time of year, we’ve been lucky to get out and ride places that are normally not rideable this time of year, like yesterday at Post Canyon. Feeling that today might be the last nice day for quite some time, we had to hit Syncline one last time.
We got to the trailhead, there was only one other car in the parking lot. Bundled up against the increasing cold wind, we headed up the Jeep Trail. On the way up, there were flowers blooming all over, like it was April or May

February Flowers 2-20-13

Up the winding Jeep Trail, we rode up and out to the Hidden Valley trailhead.

Jeep Trail 2-20-13

Thinking we would save the Hidden Valley Trail for later, we headed back towards Little Maui. Little Maui is a really fun downhill, not super easy, but not too life threatening either. Never ridden it in the middle of February when it was in just about perfect condition. Great little downhill.

Little Maui Trail 2-20-13

Just looked outside, it’s raining pretty good. Bad news is; that’s the end of mountain biking for awhile, good news is more work gets done on the WatermanAtWork.com website. We have a lot of new stuff coming up in the next few days.

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