The weather here in the PacNW continues to be cold, snowy, wet or all the above, so outdoor activities are limited, at best. Which means we’ve had time to work on the website. We had to do a lot of work cleaning up the website’s computer code, some of which was more than a few years old. The website doesn’t look any different, but you have to do these things to make it work with newer internet browsers, which change all the time. The one thing we did that should be noticeable to everyone who visits the website is that now, when you click on a photo, it will open in a window on the same page and you have the option to view all the photos in the same group in a slideshow. This should make viewing the many photos on the site a lot easier.
We’ve also started to add new content. The latest addition is a bunch of photos of vintage mountain biking, including NORBA racing from Big Bear, CA in 1990 and 1991, which many would say were the glory days of mountain bike racing featuring the pioneering riders of MTB racing as well as photos from the local rides we were doing in the late 80’s and early 90’s around Southern California.
You can find the new webpage HERE.
Check back soon because we have just started adding material and believe me, we have a lot more to add.