Nicest Day of the Year!

My leg has been a little sore from the Rottweiller bite and the weather has been a bit cold and rainy, but it all came together today. It was the nicest day of the year so far, nearly 70 degrees. Compared to the weather we’ve been having, that is a virtual heat wave. The trails were a little muddy in spots, but it was easy to find ways around the mud holes. It was a warm sunny day, so out on the trails we go. Everything is about as green as it’s going to get.

Green 5-4-11

A couple dry days has taken care of much of the dampness on the surface, but there is still plenty of water in the ground and plenty of snow in the mountains that will be melting soon. All the creeks, springs and rivers are running at good volume.

Trailside Creek 5-4-11

Speaking of snow in the mountains, there is still plenty of snow on Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood. More snow is expected higher up in the mountains tonight.

Mt. Hood 5-4-11

When the weather has been nasty, and it has been nasty for a long time, it feels good to get out in the warm sun.

Nice Spring Day 5-4-11

Even though we get out and ride whenever we can, it’s tough to string enough days together to improve your conditioning, all you can do is try to maintain and work off all the beer. There will be time later on to hammer yourself back into top condition, but today was a good day to just ride around, take it easy and enjoy a beautiful spring day.

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