Odd Winter Weather

Today was a strange day on Mt. Hood. There was a “temperature inversion”; where it is warmer on the top of the mountain than at the base. The parking lot at Mt. Hood Meadows and the lower slopes were frozen solid, while the top of the mountain was foggy, rainy and slushy.
Some of the snow is melting, some is frozen. The freezing level has been very high so the snow has started to melt off the mountain and run down to the Columbia River. There was more snow at my house in Snowden at 2000′ than there was at 6000′ on Mt. Hood.

This is an unusual situation for the middle of winter; kind of a bummer. The snow is melting off the ski resorts and filling the Hood River with silt which will ruin the fishing for the winter steelhead run.
This weather condition is going to continue for at least four or five more days. Hopefully; it will get colder soon; at least up high.

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