When your mountain bike doesn’t stop, which is a nice feature to have on a bike, it’s time to have a look at the brakes. Disc brake pads aren’t exactly cheap, so you try to get the most out of each set to the point where they don’t work very well anymore. Usually, if the braking performance is starting get bad, you probably should check out the brake pads.
After installing new brake pads, the bike will stop again, so no reason to head back out on the trail.
Today was a break from the hot, sunny summer days, not that we needed or wanted a break from sunny days, but it was overcast, drizzly and much cooler than the past couple weeks, but not wet enough to turn dirt trails to mud. The damp, cool weather made everything seem a lot greener.
Most of the spring flowers have come and gone, now the smaller summer flowers and these large flowering bushes are in full bloom
These large bushes with purple flowers are really going off right now. They really stand out from the green foliage of the forest. They are ceanothus; commonly known as wild lilac or deer brush.
Tomorrow is the last chance for a training ride before MBO this weekend. Looking forward to seeing all my mountain biking friends from around the Pacific Northwest.