Dryer and Warmer, Summer Is Coming

It’s starting to look a lot like summer around here. Days are getting longer, nights are a bit less cold and we are starting to see the thermometer show some 70’s. The mud that was everywhere a week or so ago is now hard packed dirt with dust starting to show on top. Pretty good … Read more

Cascade Locks Disc Golf Course

Disc golf is a growing sport, the Columbia Gorge has a number of great disc golf courses, now it has another in Cascade Locks, Oregon. With the economy the way it is, the cost of a couple golfing discs and gas money is all you need to start your own disc golf tour. There are … Read more

Riding Away From the Rain

Even though this spring has been exceptionally mild, there are still rainy days and cold days as well as rainy and cold days. Like many outdoor activities, you must become somewhat of a weather forecaster to plan what to do and where to go. With mountain biking around here, the weather is a factor as … Read more

Blog Remodeling

We have done a little remodeling to the WatermanAtWork blog in order to make it a little easier to use. You may have noticed that there are a couple tabs above these posts that will take you to specific subjects. The “Cameras,Computers,etc.” category has been around a while but the link to it was in … Read more

Fish Win On Opening Day

The wind was calm and a hazy sun was out for the first day of the 2013 kayak fishing season but the fish did not seem to get the message. The water was in the mid fifties, warmer than expected and the setup looked perfect for smallmouth bass. Threw everything in the tackle box at … Read more

Perfect Conditions, Great Mountain Biking

A steady rain today has brought to an end an almost unbelievably great week of mountain bike riding here in the Columbia River Gorge. Whether it’s due to global warming, or we are just lucky to not have the usual gray and wet until July routine this year, the late winter/early spring weather here has … Read more

More Great Mountain Biking

The Pacific Northwest has some of the best mountain biking in the world. It may not have the best “spot”, but if you spent a couple weeks here, the total package is pretty unbeatable. The big variable is Mother Nature; the weather pretty much dictates what is going on. The tail end of the 2012-13 … Read more

About a Week of MTB in the PacNW

A couple straight days of heavy rain has brought to an end an incredible run of nice late winter weather here in the Pacific Northwest. Usually, the weather is endlessly wet and cold, but the past couple years, especially this one, have been drier and milder than normal. A wet spring may last until August, … Read more

Big MTB Weekend

The weather was pretty good this weekend for the most part, although depending on where you were in the Gorge it could be sunny, rainy and/or windy at any given time. Many of the local trails are still muddy, but it’s been dry enough for a few of the “wet weather” trails to be rideable … Read more