Great Trail Riding At The Syncline

It usually rains a lot here this time of year, not so much this year, but anyway, the first place to dry out is The Syncline. The soil is pretty rocky, so it drains quicker than dirt, there are a couple creeks that run down the side of the mountain that help drain the water … Read more

Snow, Sun, Rain and Road Biking

We’ve had a mix of sun, rain and snow the past few days, today we have sun and clear blue skies. It’s a little on the cool side as this latest storm front blows on through, but after a few days cooped up in the house, it’s nice to get outside again. Too muddy for … Read more

Back On The Road Again

The run on nice weather that allowed us to get out and ride our mountain bikes has kind of ended. “Kind of” because the “normal” weather for this time of year(if there is such a thing as normal weather in the PacNW), which would be rain, snow and cold, has not fully returned, but some … Read more

Midwinter Syncline MTB Ride

The weather forecast continues to call for rain and snow, but it continues to remain dry here in the Pacific Northwest. Today was cloudier and cooler than it has been for the past couple weeks and the wind started to kick up. A quick look at the Portland, OR weather radar shows rain on the … Read more

Post Canyon MTB Ride

The weather forecast for rain and/or snow last night turned out to be mostly wrong, it was cold but no rain or snow. This unbelievable winter weather is not going to last forever so, if you can, get outside and take advantage of it, even for a few minutes. Had to hit the trails, so … Read more

More Mid Winter Mountain Biking

The unbelievably nice weather continued through the past weekend, near 60° and sunshine. Sunday we headed out west to the Tillamook State Forest for some mountain bike riding in the Coastal Mountains of Oregon. It wasn’t as sunny near the coast as it was in the Gorge, but partly sunny with a few scattered, light … Read more

Classic Post Canyon MTB Ride

The great weather in the Gorge continues, hard to believe it is so nice here in the middle of February. Because of the dry winter weather, some of the local trails that would normally be way too muddy to ride this time of year are in perfect condition, almost like late spring/early summer. One of … Read more

Back To The Hills

After Saturday’s ride on the relatively flat Klickitat Trail, it’s time to get back to the roads in the local hills. Sunday was another awesome sunny day, can’t stay inside. Usually, the weather around here this time of year is dismal; and I’m being optimistic about that. When it’s dry, sunny and 45° in the … Read more

Klickitat Trail Mountain Bike Ride

We are really getting lucky with the winter weather here, mild winter so far for sure. I hope that doesn’t mean winter will last until August like last year, but what can you do? A little cold this morning, but clear skies, so we head out on the trails. Today we went back to the … Read more