The elusive steelhead are here in local waters and we’ve been fishing for them without a whole lot of success. When fishing for big trophy fish like steelhead and salmon, sometimes you don’t catch anything, but when you do land one of these big, hard fighting fish, you’ll remember it for quite some time and it will keep you getting out there fishing for them.
After three days of hard luck and no fish, I finally hit the jackpot yesterday. I caught four big steelhead, every one of them was bigger than any of the few steelhead I’d caught before.
I kept one and released the other three. I did get video of three of the fish so that will be coming up soon on the website. Keep checking the blog for when the video is available as well as the daily fishing reports.
I’d have to say that the big fish season is now officially open. We’ll be heading out to go after more steelhead on the kayak as the conditions permit and on the days that it’s too windy, we will be headed to our favorite steelhead and salmon river to try our luck there. As the steelhead fishing tapers off, it will be time for salmon fishing. The Chinook are starting to show up locally so it won’t be too long before salmon season is in full swing.