Warm Winter Day

Winter weather has been in effect for some weeks now. Even if snow has melted in the lower elevations, there is still plenty of snow just a thousand feet or so up in the surrounding hills. It was fairly warm yesterday and downright balmy today, nearly 50°! That’s pretty warm for the last day of January. It’s fairly dry down here in the valley(plenty of mud to be had if you look hard enough) but once you get up to the 1500′ elevation or so, it gets a little messy with the “freeze-thaw” effect.

Old Dalles Rd 1-31-13

Plenty of snow left so the slow melt deal we have going on now is causing a lot of melt runoff which in turn makes for a lot of mud. I might have ridden the road bike today but the roads are still covered with lava rock cinders they use when it snows, which is not a great situation for bike riding. Anyway, the road bike is set up in the trainer.
Supposed to have a few nice days coming up, looking to get outside a little more.

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