WatermanAtWork.com Website News

Summer in the PacNW is pretty much over and the salmon fishing season is slowing drawing to the end, winter is just about here. The gray, drizzly winter months are when we put the fishing rods away and start catching up on all the work that needs to be done with the watermanatwork.com website. There are a lot of new photos, videos and articles that need to be edited and posted to the website and we also have a lot of video that needs to be edited and posted to the WatermanAtWork YouTube channel.

We are still working on the website pages optimized for mobile devices. This has turned out to be more work than we thought and has taken longer to do than anticipated. The watermanatwork.com website has a lot of media content like photos and video, making all that stuff work on every mobile device, every computer and every internet browser is not an easy job. We are hoping to finish it up here shortly. I know we’ve said that before, but we mean it this time. Most of the pages on the website work on mobile devices, but on small cell phones, some of the pages may display incorrectly so we are trying to fix that up.

Please bear with us while we remodel the website because there is a lot of new content that will be posted as soon as possible.

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