As you can probably see by now, there have been some changes here on the Blog as well as the website.
The entire website, including the Blog, has been updated to HTTPS, a more secure internet protocol. There are redirects in place, but if you’d like to change bookmarks, the correct URL is .
The Blog programming is designed for quick loading on mobile devices. All the content is still there. The interface enables us to make posts in remote locations with minimal cell coverage, so look for more and more up to date material.
The website has been updated and all the dead material and links accumulated over fourteen years on the internet have been removed. Most of the classic videos that are viewed the most are still on the server, but many of the kayak fishing and cycling videos have been moved to the watermanatwork YouTube channel. That will clear out a lot of server space for new content.
If you have problems with the website or blog, please let us know.