Dryer and Warmer, Summer Is Coming

It’s starting to look a lot like summer around here. Days are getting longer, nights are a bit less cold and we are starting to see the thermometer show some 70’s. The mud that was everywhere a week or so ago is now hard packed dirt with dust starting to show on top. Pretty good conditions for mountain biking. We’ve been riding the local trails around Hood River, OR as they round into summer shape.

Singletrack 4-23-13

The local trailbuilders have carved out some nice new trails in the local hills, some of them are pretty spectacular.

PacNW Trail 4-23-13

The nice weather is bringing out more riders.

Singletrack Trail 4-23-13

The warmer weather has also got the ticks on the move, so after you are done riding, make sure you don’t have any on you!

2 thoughts on “Dryer and Warmer, Summer Is Coming”

  1. The trail in the post is one of the local trails on private property owned by a timber company. There are a few of them in Hood River and Wasco counties. Surveyors Ridge is in the Mt. Hood National Forest, no shuttle service that I know of but some bike shops in Portland run unlicensed shuttles in the area, not real popular with the local residents or local riders, but you can check with them if you wish.

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