Waterman’s Log 10-22-19

This blog entry contains the personal opinions of watermanatwork.com owner Ron Barbish. Watermanatwork.com content is normally restricted outdoor activities, politics purposely left off of website. If you don’t want to hear what Ron Barbish has to say, go to any other blog entry and check out the fishing, cycling and other outdoor adventures. Some of … Read more

Keep Wild Mice Out of Your Vehicle

We here at watermanatwork.com travel to some pretty remote places looking for fishing spots and places to ride bikes and we encounter a lot of wildlife. Deer, elk, coyotes, cougars, bears and many smaller mammals, birds and reptiles. We take precautions with food and trash to not attract any of these wild creatures but it … Read more

Fire In The Desert

Despite an all day rain event a couple days earlier, about 2:45AM, a wildfire broke out in the lower Colorado River watershed north of Yuma, AZ. We happened to be camping less than a mile away from where the fire broke out. By sunrise, the fire was burning strong. It had been windy overnight but … Read more

WatermanAtWork Journal

We are doing a bit of remodeling here at the watermanatwork.com World Headquarters. We’ve started off by adding a new category to the watermanatwork.com blog called WatermanAtWork Journal. It will be a running journal of some of our experiences as we travel around the United States and beyond in search of adventure. Not quite sure … Read more