Kayak Fishing for Smallmouth Bass on the Columbia River

We are back in the Pacific NW where nearly everything is shut down due to the COVID pandemic. The widely different parts of Washington and Oregon have widely different opinions on how to proceed with reopening the states while keeping everyone safe. This has increased the tension between the densely populated west side of the states and the mostly rural eastern side of the states. On top of that, it’s been mostly windy and raining since we returned from swelteringly hot southwest Arizona.

Best thing we can do is get as far away from civilization as possible. Life is difficult on land but out on the water things are almost always good. We left the largemouth bass biting on the Colorado River and were stoked to find the smallmouth bass biting on the Columbia River.

Columbia River smallmouth bass caught by watermanatwork.com kayak fisherman Ron Barbish

There was a small break in a series of storms that allowed us to get out on the Columbia River for some kayak fishing. The first day was overcast and damp with light rain on and off, but the fish were biting and the wind was calm. The next day was something that has been rare this late spring in the Pac NW; calm winds and a bit of sunshine.

Kayak fishing on the Columbia River at sunrise with watermanatwork.com

The day started off in spectacular fashion but in a couple hours the clouds thickened and the light rain showers were back. The wind stayed calm and the fishing was good. Lots of smallmouth bass fishing action with some nicer fish being caught.

Columbia River smllmouth bass caught by watermanatwork.com kayak fisherman Ron Barbish

Camping is still not allowed at campgrounds, rest areas or even spots on the side of the road where travellers rest are closed. Public restrooms are closed. Port-a-pottys have been placed at the recently opened boat launches while the restrooms are closed.

Kayak launch on the Columbia River 5-15-20

With more storms on the way, we got everything we could out of a few days of fishing. Without any sustained fishing pressure for the entire spring, it should be a great late spring and summer fishing for smallmouth bass on the Columbia River.

Columbia River smallmouth bass caught by watermanatwork.com kayak fisherman Ron Barbish

As we wait for more windy and rainy weather to pass through, hopefully more of the outdoor areas will be opened up. There’s plenty of the state where it’s easy to keep your distance to other people. That’s why people come to these places; to get away from other people. Who knows what is going to happen? Keep checking back because if it’s the end of the world, we want to get some fishing in.

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