The weather has been nice, a bit on the hot side, but perfect for midsummer mountain biking in the Cascade Mountains. It has been 80-90°F during the day and in the 40’s and 50’s at night. No rain to speak of.
It warms up quick when the summer sun rises above the tall forest trees, so we like to get an early start. The first few miles of the day’s ride are uphill so you warm up fast.

We rode past Mt. Adams on a clear summer day, headed uphill.

Feeling pretty good, we were riding further and longer. The further you ride, the more you see.

The days got hotter and we got going earlier to beat the heat.

Higher into the mountains every day.

There are a lot of overgrown trails and roads. These are not manicured trails with a sign every fifty feet. You use the bike as an exploration tool.

On this morning, we woke up to fire smoke, which is something you never want to encounter, especially if you’re out in the forest. Never a good thing.

The smoke wasn’t too thick and we are at the time of year where one good fire could shut down the rest of the summer’s bike riding, so we took off on a little ride to try and see what was going on. There was smoke covering Mt. Adams but considering the many fires in the area, it didn’t look too bad.

We were relieved when the next morning was smoke free, most likely due to a change in the wind direction. Another great mountain bike ride was enjoyed.

The days are hot so we hit the trail early.

The afternoons are hot and the direct sun is intense. It seems like the altitude higher than it really is.

On this morning, I was all fired up to go riding. Got ready to go, hopped on the bike, and flat front tire. I run Slime self sealing tubes and I’ve had pretty good luck with no flats, but I found out the tubes are only good for two years so the sealant is probably no good. Ordered a couple new ones because the local Walmart had no Slime Tubes in stock.

The day wasn’t off to the best start but it didn’t take long to forget the flat tire.

Turned out to be a great ride on a great day for a ride.

July turned to August as we headed out early on another hot summer day.

This is a great place to ride. The road winds around some of the smaller volcanic mountain peaks surrounding Mt. Adams.

A downed tree is a convenient stand for my bike sunrise photo.

Be in better shape, ride longer, experience more is basically the plan. Not how fast, how far. This was one of the best rides of the year so far. The, now usual, early morning start on what will be another hot Cascade Mountain day.

On a beautiful mountain day, we rode to some of the higher places in the mountains. The higher it goes, the better it gets. In another week or so, we may be able to hit the lightly used trails that start on the border of the wilderness area.

There is something to see everywhere you look.

Early the next morning, there was light rain from passing thunderstorms which meant the dust wouldn’t be so bad and the trails would be in excellent condition. This turned out to be the case. The riding was so good, I only stopped to take a couple photos.

The next day, something would happen that would change everything and these photos now have additional meaning.