Late season rain and long summer days make for prime PacNW mountain biking in the Cascade Mountains. Around the middle to end of June, the winter rain and snow of the long Pacific Northwest winter comes to an end. A few clouds hang around, but the mountain trails are in perfect condition.

Higher up in the mountains, the summit of Mt. Adams is barely visible between the stream of clouds. The wind on the mountain must have been over 30mph with the unsettled weather moving through.

Eventually, the sun starts to overpower the clouds to light up the forest that has been pretty dark during the long winter months.

As soon as the sun rises above the tall forest trees, the weather is just about perfect for an early morning start to the day’s ride. As I get in better shape, the longer the ride.

The trails are mostly dry just after a day long rain event. Soon, they will be summertime dusty, but for now, this is about as good as the conditions get.

After a day’s ride, you never know what is going to come wandering into the camp. It’s not hunting season, so the deer are not too jumpy.

The higher you go, the closer Mt. Adams gets. This is about as much snow there will be this year. From now until next winter, melting is the only thing happening.

The winters in these mountains are pretty severe, with plenty of heavy snow and high winds. A lot of trees are blown down. Not as many blow down in the summer, but if there is significant wind, trees will blow down just about anywhere.

If you’re riding a mountain bike, the odds of being hit by a falling tree are pretty slim, so it’s a good reason to keep riding. When the trails are epic, you don’t want to stop.

We are taking care of business in town for a couple days and back to another part of the mountains. Check back soon.