MBO August 2012

This past weekend was the final edition of Mountain Bike Oregon for 2012 and as usual, it was a great experience; fantastic mountain bike riding, carousing with old friends and enjoying the small mountain town of Oakridge, Oregon.
The weather has been hot and dry in the Pacific Northwest and the hot weather continued through MBO, but not as hot as predicted, that was a relief. There were a number of forest fires in the area, one of them closing down Alpine Trail, which is one of the marquee rides at MBO, but a couple rides were added to make up for it. So on a warm Friday morning, we loaded up and headed out to Flat Creek/Salmon Creek.

Friday Morning Loadup

MBO guide Lee D. guiding the crew safely through the Willamette National Forest

MBO Guide Lee D.

Here’s Don from Just Fruit, one of MBO’s sponsors, trying to stay out of the hot sun with an expensive, all carbon fiber Cannondale Scalpel demo race bike

Just Fruit Don S.

One of the Salmon Creek waterfalls

Salmon Creek

Here’s MBO guide Lee again crossing one of the bridges on the lower part of Salmon Creek trail

MBO Guide Lee D. - Salmon Creek Bridge

When you get to the Salmon Creek dam and spillway, you know you are almost back to camp. On this hot day of riding, a lot of people stopped here for a quick dip. The fishing was pretty good, too.

Salmon Creek Spillway

We got back to camp with plenty of time for more riding, so we hit up the shuttle for Larrison Rock. All downhill in the shade; perfect for an hot afternoon ride.

Loading For Larrison Rock

Larrison Rock trail is a really fun downhill trail; fast, but not too sketchy

Paul - Larrison Rock

Don - Larrison Rock

After a solid day of riding, time to wash down the trail dust at the adult beverage garden. Here’s seasoned MBO guide Matt talking up the day’s riding

MBO Guide Matt

Here we have trusty MBO guide Dan(right) with Erin(left) who is a volunteer at MBO and fellow MBO guide Dave(center) having Friday night dinner

MBO Guide Dan G. and friends

The day wound down with a beautiful sunset in a clear, blue sky

Friday Sunset

Despite the clear skies on Friday night, Saturday morning brought thunder, lightning and rain showers. The rain was welcome to help out the dusty trails, but with lightning caused fires already burning, more lightning dry strikes were something that was not needed. No major new fires overnight, so in a light rain, we loaded up for Lost Creek, a ride that had been added to replace the Alpine trail ride that was closed due to fire.

Damp Saturday Morning

Lost Creek is a new trail for MBO, so it was kind of a mystery what it would be like. It is mainly the Hardesty trail ride with an extra section of the Sawtooth trail on the top. A very challenging ride with steep uphills, hike-a-bike sections and great downhill singletrack. Here’s demo Don again on another expensive carbon fiber bike. Today’s ride was a Santa Cruz Nomad; a long travel, carbon fiber rocket sled, perfect for this ride.

Don S. - Lost Creek

The last section of the ride was on Hardesty trail, pretty well known to most of the riders today, so it was easy to let ‘er rip down the last part of the trail.

MBO Guide Michael - Hardesty

Here’s Augusto from Nossa Familia Coffee, another one of MBO’s sponsors. Augusto gets up at 5AM every morning to make coffee for all the riders. After a night in the adult beverage garden, there is a long line for coffee every morning. Augusto is a strong rider, pretty sure he liked the Lost Creek ride.

Augusto - Hardesty

Think Lost Creek wasn’t a tough ride? Not much jumping around at the end of the trail

Lost Creek Crew

Back to camp, a quick shower, then off to dinner

Saturday Dinner

After dinner, more carousing with friends from around the country, and around the world, one more awesome Oakridge sunset, and everyone heads home until next time

Saturday Sunset

That’s it until MBO 2013.

2 thoughts on “MBO August 2012”

  1. Hey I saw the spillway picture you threw up and I was wondering if you could help me locate it on google maps or something. Have been wanting to go check it out but cant find it anywhere on the gps. Thank you!!

    Jake Southard

  2. Hi Jake
    That dam is on Salmon Creek. You can get there by bike or hiking along the Salmon Creek trail, drive close on Salmon Creek Road or the road that runs through the fish hatchery, not sure what the name is. Google Map coordinates are 43.748173,-122.429915. All the locals know where it is, it’s a popular swimming hole, stop in somewhere and ask if you can’t find it.

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