Time To Hit the Trails

After somewhat of a late winter hanging on for dear life, it’s time to hit the trails for mountain biking in the Pacific Northwest. The winter rain may have not stopped entirely, but it is slowing down and that’s good news for outdoor enthusiasts. After a long winter of sitting in the fishing kayak and … Read more

Cascade Mountain Biking Summer Wrap Up

The sun is lower in the sky, the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping; summer is just about over here in the Pacific Northwest. We are getting in our last mountain bike rides of the summer in the Cascade Mountains before the winter rains begin. We packed up with supplies and headed … Read more

Late Summer MTB Riding

The mountain bike riding here in Cascade Mountains is always great. It’s been a hot, dusty and always short summer here in the PacNW. The weather is still good, unfortunately no rain so the extreme fire danger continues. Fire smoke drifts in and out of the area but thankful no major wildfires in the immediate … Read more

Hot Summer Mountain Biking

Dealing with record heat and dry and dusty conditions, it’s time for more hot summer mountain biking from the Cascade Mountains. The conditions are not ideal, but the way things are going, there may be no riding at all if the fire situation keeps getting worse, as it probably will. Even though it’s hot, the … Read more

Hot and Dusty MTB Trail Riding

The continuing unseasonably hot weather is making for hot and dusty MTB trail riding here in the Cascade Mountains of the PacNW. Everything is bone dry making for extreme fire danger. There are already a number of large wildfires burning in the PacNW and the “fire season” has barely begun. Fire season is all year … Read more

Racing the Fires

As the hot weather continues in the PacNW, it gets drier and drier and the risk for wildfire is as extreme as it gets. The mountain snowpack is melting at a record rate. Seasonal streams and creeks are already dry and some mountain springs have been reduced to a trickle. This is all with a … Read more

Cascade Mountain Bike Riding

It’s been about a month since we transitioned from kayak fishing in the US desert southwest to mountain biking on our local trails in the Cascade Mountains. It was supposed to go from kayak fishing on the Colorado River to kayak fishing on the Columbia River, but this area is going through “them changes” on … Read more

Autumn Cascade Mountain Biking

We’ve spent a good deal of time mountain biking in the Cascade Mountains this summer. Almost everything is closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. We’re lucky to have a place to ride away from the sickness and madness of civilization. The leaves are turning colors, rain is more frequent and soon the mountains will be … Read more