Cascade Mountain Bike Photos

A quick post of some Cascade Mountain bike photos. I’m back in civilization after an encounter with a poacher. A very dangerous situation in the remote Cascade Mountains that is covered elsewhere. Taking care of business, then back to the mountains. Fire season is kicking in and a lot of the outdoor areas are closed … Read more

Higher Into the Mountains

We’ve moved to a different part of the Cascades for mountain bike rides higher into the mountains. The climbs are steeper and all the downhills, which are over three miles long, are mint Cascade Mountain singletrack. It’s been hot here, so we start out early. It takes a while for the sun to rise above … Read more

Cascade Mountain Biking

More great mountain biking from the Cascade Mountains thanks to the good weather and long summer days. There hasn’t been any rain which will lead to dry and dusty conditions soon if there is no precipitation. The hot, dry conditions also increase the risk of fire danger. Fire is not the only danger in this … Read more

Early Summer Cascade Mountain Biking

With the exception of a brief June snow and freezing rain storm, the weather for mountain bike riding in the Cascade Mountains has been pretty good. Low 40’s at night warming up to about 70° in the afternoon. The seasonal snow melt has tapered off and soon only the permenant creeks and streams will have … Read more

The Long Road North

I apologize for the lack of blog material here at and also at This is the time of year I make my annual pilgrimage from the desert southwest to my home in the Pacific Northwest. This season of kayak fishing in the desert was terrible. The Sonoran desert is not a calm place, … Read more

Back on the Water

After months of relentless desert wind that prevented any kayak fishing, the kayak fishing crew is back on the water. Hard to believe this is the first kayak fishing trip of the 2023 fishing season. In the past few desert fishing seasons, we have seen dramatic weather changes that have had a major impact … Read more