Thrill Of Discovery

I finally got a chance to get out on my mountain bike and check out the local trails. I was super stoked to find trails that I’m sure are not available to the general public; I’m afraid I can’t tell you where they are unless you go with me for a ride. You’ll have to … Read more

WFO Trout Fishing

Well, the hatchery trout released into the local trout pond a few weeks ago have figured out that there aren’t going to be any more free meals, so they have started to fend for themselves. There are always smaller fish, crawfish and plenty of bugs to eat, but the rainbows must be really hungry because … Read more

Day One – Mountain Bike Season

After a great couple days of fishing in the backcountry, I needed to unwind. The best way to do that is to saddle up the mountain bike and head into the Washington boonies. Don and I hoodwinked an unsuspecting J Sully into a “mellow uphill” ride which was actually the bottom end of our standard … Read more

Headed for The Hills

Last week the weather was so bad I could not get out on a favorite back woods trout pond. Headed up there tonight right after work for an evening session, little bit of a campout and dawn patrol the next day. Weather should be nice, looking forward to some great trout fishing.

Fantastic Last Day at Meadows

Sunday, Don and I headed up to Meadows for the last day of boarding of 2009. Weather report called for rain below 5000′; a couple inches of snow above that. We got there to find lots of fresh snow; 2-6″ in many spots off of Cascade chair. Great runs off the cat track; not exactly … Read more

Great Day of Fishing

Saturday morning I went up to the local’s favorite back country lake to find 30 MPH wind and driving rain; not exactly ideal conditions for kayak fishing. The road up to the lake had just been cleared and no doubt the trout were hungry, but it was too knarly for a launch. Headed back into … Read more

Signs of Spring

The weather here in the Pacific NW has been typical of springtime in this part of the country; nearly eighty degrees one week and barely fifty the next. There is less and less rain, which is a sure sign that summer is just around the corner. Along with the last of the spring rains comes … Read more

Trout Season Is Here

The past Saturday was the Washington State trout season opening day, but the 15-30 MPH wind kept us off the lakes until Sunday, which was clear and sunny, but pretty cold for this time of year. The 50F air and 45F water temperature put a bit of a chill on the fishing, but I did … Read more

Trout Opener Tomorrow

The excitement is building for the trout season opener tomorrow. Weather should be partly sunny and in the mid fifties. Wind will be light in the morning and pick up later in the day so it’s a dawn patrol for sure. Scoped out the kayak launch sites yesterday afternoon, saw lots of birds diving on … Read more